A PART OF G16 2006
Sexy-licious VBooty-licious Lady Faye
"D"-licious Jo
Pweetie-licious Anne
Lukey aka Mr.GaY
Freestyler Choy
HipSS (hip shaker SENG)
Sean aka pimp dad-E aka RoBo-Fooser
Joe aka Hardo Gay
Daniel aka Pweetie Boy
Wai Yip aka LLC (lansi leng chai)
Scientific Testimonials... (more to come)
The rate at which you throw a frisbee is enough to release the frisbee with such high kinetic energy that the work done to get the frisbee across to your partner is more than the work done for you to move your hips like a horny gorilla. The work done to move your hips can be calculated using this formula K = qh (whereby h is the degree of gorilla horniness that you are reciding at , at that point in time) and the amount of glucose you burn is enough to cause your hips to lack oxygen ,hence amounting in terms of anaerobic respiration which leads to lactic acid buildup.. (see,thats why you get tired after a minute or two of moving your hips like a horny gorilla)..in the end you just SHAKE YOUR HIPS MORE (say it miss tan's style) and put on a smile with a radius of 2 millimeters (Loo,2006)
Did u noe that the number of times u scream a day can be modeled using the logistic function, where it becomes constant after a while because u ran out of breath. Then, the energy that fuels ur screams and laughter is supplied by ATP, which is the source for immediate energy. then the frequency ur scream and laugh can be found by using the speed of light divided by the speed of sound( dunno whether if this is correct of not) finally, the amount of energy given out when u scream is equivalent to 5000 neutralizing reactions between acid and bases... (Kavitha,2006)
Must understand that lab coats are only for specific ppl. just like an atom absorbing a specific photon......also if u wear ur lab coat and goggles....the amount of energy u can release due to the cuteness can be calculated using E=MC squared, where the amount of energy released is in the Mev range. then, guys will be lining up to ask you to dance with them just like the addition reaction of many monomers, forming a long polymer chain...the amount of guys lining up can be shown using the logistic function, where eventually the amount becomes constant. and finally u must realize that the reason why i replied is due to the actions of hormones which are long lasting, general in effect, travels in the bloodstream and are produced in the endocrine gland (Teo,2006)
Firstly, the rate of you going out to shop can be found by differentiating the function of the number of times u shop a year, and the maximum can be found by equaling the differentiation to zero. then, the reason why sometimes you have the craving to shop is due to the action of hormones.....the shopping hormone actually (which i think does not exist) Then using the horizontal component can be found when you chuck your old shirts away as they travel in a projectile motion...Finally, the plastic bag used to put your newly bought shirts are thermoplastics...which soften when heated and are suited to recycling...they are not however, biodegradable... (Lim,2006)
Other than that, the force while kissing is according to Newton's 3rd Law which states tht for every action,there is an equal(in magnitude) and opposite(in direction) force.The lips of the kisser will apply a force on the kissed and thus the kisser will also feel this force.The amount of saliva produce is directly proportional to the time taken to kiss.As the time increases,the amount of saliva produced increases.Besides tht,hormones will start to produce.The endocrine glands in the body will start to produce hormones which are testosterone in males and progesterone in females.Other than those hormones,adrenalin will also rise in amount.The philosophy of kissing is according to the subjective term and is illegal if done in public as stated by UN(Ong,2006)
Lame dao bao XD
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