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About Me

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I'm Luke aka Groundwalker.23.Monash University BA graduate. Majored in Comm/Psych.Loves sports like football & basketball.Strong passion in dancing. I dance mostly hip-hop, popping, breakdance, latin and others. I'm the eldest in the family. Sociable and funny. Entertaining. Whacky. Sporting.Cheeky.Mischievous. Well, you know.. The force is strong in this one..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

To my father..

Dear Daddy Ong,

Happy Father's Day 2009! I hope you enjoyed every moment of Father's Day as well as the scrumptious dinner we had last night =) Thanks mum for the dinner! I love you Dad and I appreciate you so so much. You have been one of the major driving forces in my life and I can't express how much I am proud to be your son in just a few words or even in an essay. You have poured love, care, confidence and many many more things into my life, thus making me the "man" I am now. Just 2 more weeks and I'll be 21..The 21 years of my life have been blessed by your guidance all the way. I'm so so grateful to have you, Jeffrey Ong Eng Kim as my sporting father..I can tell you people la..I shall state why am I so proud here. He's 47 this year and he's as young as ever, young at heart, mind and soul!

He loves me so much that we got our first piercings together. He loves me so much that we go clubbing together. He loves me so much that we watch football together (He's always supporting the team Manchester United plays against for the shiok-ness of it but he's still gonna be with me during the Manchester United Asia Tour Match in Bukit Jalil this coming 18th July). He loves me so much that we go gym together. He loves me so much that we check out chicks together even in front of mum (yeah, my mum is sporting too!) He loves me so much that he buys me things which I really really want and need. He loves me so much that he lets me sleep till afternoon. He loves me so much that he shares his dance moves he learnt from gym class with me. He loves me so much that he lets me drives his car (oh finally~) He loves me so much that..ah..I need to'll never end wan I tell you XD

Thank you dad for being the Champion of our lives! It has always been special ever since we came into this world because you were there to take care of us and giving the family never ending support!
I dedicate this to you dad!


From: The Ong Family with <3

*Dad taking care of us at the pool*

*Dad lighting my birthday cake*

*Dad with us during Chinese New Year*

*Dad with his Kopi O Peng during breakfast*

*Dad looking out for my sister when she started to climb stairs*

*I say: "I wanna grow up and just be as strong as you dad!*

*Dad showing my how to*

*Dad made this for me for a kindergarten concert*

*Dad with the whole family plus Aunty Jolin at JB*

*Dad with sister in Penang during Chinese New Year*

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