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About Me

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I'm Luke aka Groundwalker.23.Monash University BA graduate. Majored in Comm/Psych.Loves sports like football & basketball.Strong passion in dancing. I dance mostly hip-hop, popping, breakdance, latin and others. I'm the eldest in the family. Sociable and funny. Entertaining. Whacky. Sporting.Cheeky.Mischievous. Well, you know.. The force is strong in this one..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A day of sushi, shanks and shaking..

Today was one of the most satisfying days I've gone tru after so so long. Went out with Shereen and Seow Feng to Sunway Pyramid for lunch. We had Sushi Zanmai. I ordered one main, small and we all shared loads of sushis and temakis and the bill came up to only RM53. So darn worth it. We then went shopping here and there. First time I saw 2 girls shop for the stuff they wanted in just a short time. Luke was wow-ed. Bumped into Kim Han, Janics, Ee Ling and SiJie after I bumped into Yueh Hwei =p (All whom I saw later in the day at Poppy..haha)

Sent the two gals home and went to uni to pick the publicity gang up. We went to Bangsar for dinner. Ate at La Bodega, an Italian restaurant which had really good food. We laughed here and there while eating our food like chicken breasts, king fish, and lamb shanks. They were yummy but the portion didn't manage to get us all filled up, especially for me who still had to go clubbing right after. Had a great time with the publicity comm and we only had to pay RM6 each for the meal =D awesome stuff! Thank you "MUM"!

Went to Poppy at night. We drank, laughed, talked and danced like there was no 2moro. It was so darn fun. Everybody was high and tipsy and shaking kao kao to the music! I myself had a great time. The environment at Poppy was so-so was good but if only the dance floor was like MOS! Great overall at Poppy. Thanks to all who made it happen!

I wish I could have more time to hang out with you. All the best in Perak my friend! Take care

Thanks Branon for the compliments! hope u have a safe trip back to Melbourne and do keep dancing!

I had a good talk with my two buddies! Love the both of you to bits! Everything is gonna be OK! Have faith and enjoy life alright! =)

I still miss y<3u

PS: Thank you God and thank you touch n go for getting me pass the toll without getting into the police road block especially when I had a bad headache from the whisky. I'm home safe and blogging! Amen! =D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Food for thought

Pouring so much care and love onto someone should be unconditional just like how families do it to each other. No matter what, love and the relationship between family members remain unchanged and will always the strongest bond in our lives. Treasure it and keep it and appreciate the ties that you have. Feel the warmth and comfort they give you when they're around you and also learn to give them the same feeling. Make them feel special because love is always about giving, giving and more giving. Sometimes we give too much and we feel that they are taking us for granted. This is common between parent and child. Thus both would have to compromise and have an understanding, making sure that happiness is the key thing for a better future for the whole family.

Sometimes I feel I give too little, sometimes I feel I give too much..sometimes I feel so proud for doing something..sometimes I feel like I'm taken for granted.. Directly or indirectly, this things will happen and change is likely to occur in relationships like these..

*I'll just be watching you from afar*

*Things are different now*

*I don't feel special around you anymore*


Exams are over!!!

Exams are over and i'm free!!! No sleep last night. Going gym with dad soon. Dance rehearsals at 10pm. AWESOME! come back KO nicely on my bed =) *peace*

PS: Luke has to love himself more..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

To my father..

Dear Daddy Ong,

Happy Father's Day 2009! I hope you enjoyed every moment of Father's Day as well as the scrumptious dinner we had last night =) Thanks mum for the dinner! I love you Dad and I appreciate you so so much. You have been one of the major driving forces in my life and I can't express how much I am proud to be your son in just a few words or even in an essay. You have poured love, care, confidence and many many more things into my life, thus making me the "man" I am now. Just 2 more weeks and I'll be 21..The 21 years of my life have been blessed by your guidance all the way. I'm so so grateful to have you, Jeffrey Ong Eng Kim as my sporting father..I can tell you people la..I shall state why am I so proud here. He's 47 this year and he's as young as ever, young at heart, mind and soul!

He loves me so much that we got our first piercings together. He loves me so much that we go clubbing together. He loves me so much that we watch football together (He's always supporting the team Manchester United plays against for the shiok-ness of it but he's still gonna be with me during the Manchester United Asia Tour Match in Bukit Jalil this coming 18th July). He loves me so much that we go gym together. He loves me so much that we check out chicks together even in front of mum (yeah, my mum is sporting too!) He loves me so much that he buys me things which I really really want and need. He loves me so much that he lets me sleep till afternoon. He loves me so much that he shares his dance moves he learnt from gym class with me. He loves me so much that he lets me drives his car (oh finally~) He loves me so much that..ah..I need to'll never end wan I tell you XD

Thank you dad for being the Champion of our lives! It has always been special ever since we came into this world because you were there to take care of us and giving the family never ending support!
I dedicate this to you dad!


From: The Ong Family with <3

*Dad taking care of us at the pool*

*Dad lighting my birthday cake*

*Dad with us during Chinese New Year*

*Dad with his Kopi O Peng during breakfast*

*Dad looking out for my sister when she started to climb stairs*

*I say: "I wanna grow up and just be as strong as you dad!*

*Dad showing my how to*

*Dad made this for me for a kindergarten concert*

*Dad with the whole family plus Aunty Jolin at JB*

*Dad with sister in Penang during Chinese New Year*

Friday, June 19, 2009

The same news..

When news of death comes by our door, our world trembles right in front of us leaving us confused, and questioning many things, even God. We feel the pain, the sadness and it's especially bad when we're in crucial times, during stressed periods of our lives.

My pet sis, TT in Taylors lost someone dear to her back in 2006..a family friend.. I remember that morning the close group gathered in Asia Cafe and she just broke down in our arms. We tried our best to comfort her but nobody could feel the exact feeling she felt at that time. Really sad I tell you.. She told us what happened and we too felt the things happened so fast, how God can just take a person to a better place just like that..

Now, the same news is heard but this time it happened to another pet sis of mine, Ee just yesterday. A friend of hers had passed away and she received the news during her exams. It was really hard for her and I knew something was wrong but I also knew that she didn't want to tell me nor others because she wouldn't want to make us worry so much as we are having our exams too. It must be really hard for her now and I hope God is taking good care of her. I hope she will be alright..I pray..

2 pet sisters, one in college, one in uni, the same news..
I'm sorry to hear about the news. My condolences.

I hope the both of you are doing well at the moment. I miss you!!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2 down..2 more 2 go

Public relations and Development & Biological Psychology paper is done..

Authorship and Psychological testing paper left..

I'm glad I'm halfway through but I'm also worried as I could jeopardize 3 of my units..

meaning..I could actually flunk up to 3 units this sem..I pray and hope I can pass all as so far I've never failed any of my units in my bachelor of arts..I gotta just do my best!!!

*You can do it Luke!*

*I know my durian can do it!*

*All the best Bro!*

Yeah..i'm gonna go through this having faith in myself! RAWR =)

Hang in there..

I don't really know how to describe how I feel for you but what I can say for now is that things will get better through time. Just do your best and God will take care of the rest. Remember that we are here for you and that we will all make it through good times and bad times together regardless of how much fun or how much problems we face.
Be strong as they would want you to be strong too, they would want all of the people around them to be strong and to tell themselves that things will get better. A lot of us go through times like this where we would be receive bad news of failure, accidents or even death. No matter what the news is, it's ok to let it out, cry it all out, shout it all out, eat it all out and by the end of the day, the most important thing is that you yourself realize that it has passed and it's time to move's time to pick yourself up and continue to appreciate what you have from that time on..
Know that life is not easy and life is short. Cherish and appreciate every single thing and people around you for you may never know when they would go away..

We're all here for you..

Hang in there..
*I pray*


FHM Girl Next Door 2009

Celestina Tiew is the FHM Girl Next Door 2009 winner!!! She's just 19 years old from Singapore!!! Congratz to her..she deserves the title wei..just look at her pics! I wished she was just living next door to me..haha..

*FHM Girl Next Door - Celestina Tiew*

Monday, June 15, 2009

Can't wait~!

23rd of June will mark my last day of 2nd yr 2nd sem exams! Then it'll be time to party!!!
Things waiting for me/to do right after exams till the very next month:

Dance classes (Popping, Hip-hop, Locking, Breakdance, Krumping)
Dance performances (Popping, Hip-hop)
Basketball training
Gym (Beach body by 30th June)
Tenggol (Beach getaway with friends)
Celebrate 21st Birthday (7/7/09)
MAPCU Basketball Competition (11/7/09)
Colour hair RED for..
Manchester United Asia Tour (18/7/09)

*Groundwalker can't wait! wooo hoooooooooooooooooo!*

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Missed u so badly..because u are so dear to me..
Days were never the same..just like some random game..
All I wanted was for you to be strong..and what u were doing, was neither right nor wrong..
Kept you close and will always do..and I know we'll both make it through..

I'm still waiting to hug you..patiently waiting till you need one..for're just busy and need all the time you need by yourself. I understand..always have.. =)

*I didn't know my day would start so badly..I guess i shouldn't rely so much on my friends because when they disappoint me, the feeling is so bloody deep, I'll be left scratching my head and feeling puzzled, asking myself, "Who am I to them?"*


Thursday, June 11, 2009


*So close but yet so far*



Groundwalker is going to war today..
Haha first paper PRL2003..Public Relations..
It's gonna be easy..I hope.. =)

All the best to all for exams!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gawd I miss G16~ LOL!

A PART OF G16 2006
Sexy-licious V
Booty-licious Lady Faye
"D"-licious Jo
Pweetie-licious Anne
Lukey aka Mr.GaY
Freestyler Choy
HipSS (hip shaker SENG)
Sean aka pimp dad-E aka RoBo-Fooser
Joe aka Hardo Gay
Daniel aka Pweetie Boy
Wai Yip aka LLC (lansi leng chai)

Scientific Testimonials... (more to come)
The rate at which you throw a frisbee is enough to release the frisbee with such high kinetic energy that the work done to get the frisbee across to your partner is more than the work done for you to move your hips like a horny gorilla. The work done to move your hips can be calculated using this formula K = qh (whereby h is the degree of gorilla horniness that you are reciding at , at that point in time) and the amount of glucose you burn is enough to cause your hips to lack oxygen ,hence amounting in terms of anaerobic respiration which leads to lactic acid buildup.. (see,thats why you get tired after a minute or two of moving your hips like a horny gorilla) the end you just SHAKE YOUR HIPS MORE (say it miss tan's style) and put on a smile with a radius of 2 millimeters

Did u noe that the number of times u scream a day can be modeled using the logistic function, where it becomes constant after a while because u ran out of breath. Then, the energy that fuels ur screams and laughter is supplied by ATP, which is the source for immediate energy. then the frequency ur scream and laugh can be found by using the speed of light divided by the speed of sound( dunno whether if this is correct of not) finally, the amount of energy given out when u scream is equivalent to 5000 neutralizing reactions between acid and bases... (Kavitha,2006)

Must understand that lab coats are only for specific ppl. just like an atom absorbing a specific photon......also if u wear ur lab coat and goggles....the amount of energy u can release due to the cuteness can be calculated using E=MC squared, where the amount of energy released is in the Mev range. then, guys will be lining up to ask you to dance with them just like the addition reaction of many monomers, forming a long polymer chain...the amount of guys lining up can be shown using the logistic function, where eventually the amount becomes constant. and finally u must realize that the reason why i replied is due to the actions of hormones which are long lasting, general in effect, travels in the bloodstream and are produced in the endocrine gland (Teo,2006)

Firstly, the rate of you going out to shop can be found by differentiating the function of the number of times u shop a year, and the maximum can be found by equaling the differentiation to zero. then, the reason why sometimes you have the craving to shop is due to the action of hormones.....the shopping hormone actually (which i think does not exist) Then using the horizontal component can be found when you chuck your old shirts away as they travel in a projectile motion...Finally, the plastic bag used to put your newly bought shirts are thermoplastics...which soften when heated and are suited to recycling...they are not however, biodegradable... (Lim,2006)

Other than that, the force while kissing is according to Newton's 3rd Law which states tht for every action,there is an equal(in magnitude) and opposite(in direction) force.The lips of the kisser will apply a force on the kissed and thus the kisser will also feel this force.The amount of saliva produce is directly proportional to the time taken to kiss.As the time increases,the amount of saliva produced increases.Besides tht,hormones will start to produce.The endocrine glands in the body will start to produce hormones which are testosterone in males and progesterone in females.Other than those hormones,adrenalin will also rise in amount.The philosophy of kissing is according to the subjective term and is illegal if done in public as stated by UN(Ong,2006)

Lame dao bao XD

Monday, June 8, 2009

It is done..

They lived happily ever after..

life continues..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ =)


Thursday, June 4, 2009

I miss you..

What are friends for?

Who are your friends?
Are they the people you talk to mostly everyday in class? or are they the people you play sports with once a week? or are they the ones who gives you support whenever you are down? gives you a shoulder to cry on? a hug when you need one? or are they the ones who listens to all your thoughts and stories even when they are boring? or are they the ones who sacrifice just a little to put a smile on your face?

What are true friends?
'True friends don't come easy' and I feel this statement so damn trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
What is a true friend? They're always there for you day and night even in the a.m. when you are asleep, even when they have to get up in the middle of the night to talk to you and make you go to bed as well. haha. True friends would do a lot of things for you but what would make a true friend distinct from others is that they would sacrifice more then others. Their time, effort, blood and sweat all sacrificed for you and this are all to make you happy. True friends are really supportive in mostly everything you do. Be it good or bad, they just have to be there for you as they chose to be your true friend.

Never let that true friend go once you realize that he or she is your true friend and keep them for the rest of your life as you know that they can make you happy at any given day. The more the better? Haha I guess the more true friends you have the better..
but honestly to is not really easy to find out who your true friends really are or even your friends..

I can only rely on myself when I cannot see that others can help or to make me happy..
I have to think positive and still live on even when nobody is there for me..
Honestly, sadness runs in my eyes and I do feel alone at times..everybody has these moments..some are happy being alone..for me, sometimes I'm fine with being alone but when I feel that I need someone with me and just to find out nobody is there for me, it really sucks.. well, life goes on.. I cannot complain about these moments as there is a reason for everything and I have to understand that this is part of life..


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This post is for self-realization..and for confidence in one self =)

Be the best you can be. If God gave you two eyes, two hands, two legs and body parts enough for you to function, do anything you think you are capable of doing. Make full use of what He has given you..Take your time because you have your whole life ahead of you..

*God never promised an easy journey but only a safe arrival, so do your BEST and God will take care of the rest...*

Have confidence in yourself because you won't be alone if you do that, you know why?? because you have alot of people supporting you and who have confidence in you..
Conjure the confidence in you and make things happen for yourself and appreciate everything that you're capable of doing..Don't blame yourself for not accomplishing something you think it is easy for others and seem hard for you.. As long as you know you gave your best, move on to something else which you think you can excel or perform your best..maybe you're really good in writing..or maybe you're really good in making money..or maybe you're really good at making people laugh..once you realize what you're good at..feel happy and be happy with what you can do because God has given you those things to be a part of this world and make things happen..Good things..lovely things..Love..friendship..
It has been spread out on a plate for is just whether you wanna eat it or not..
Have faith in yourself, because He has faith in you =)

*You can do ANYTHING you THINK you can do! and I really mean ANYTHING! Just THINK about it..hehe*

PS: Instead of being sorry..why not be grateful?..APPRECIATE yourself..Instead of trying..BE a better person because you can and you will BE!..Instead of being ashamed, BE PROUD of yourself!

I'm proud of you and will always be proud of you! RAWR! hehe =)

This post is for satisfaction..

This post is to satisfy Liaw Tze Hwui so that she will update her blog. haha ok leng after reading this, go update your blog la.. LOL!

Ok la..I think I'll blog about what I feel like blogging..
today was a so-so was SUNNY and RAINY but eventually it was a day well lived~
From accompanying my beloved going back home at 12am after popping dance rehearsals..

I realized one thing today which was the fear of losing someone you love dearly or close to you is something you wouldn't want to feel but sometimes reality smacks you right in the face and all you can do is "watch" and feel the pain or you can pray, think positive and hope for the best. I love everyone that has been a part of my every single one of you that I know that is reading this post..or who are not reading or will never read this post, I love all of you no matter how much you meant to me..whether I have liked, loved, hated you..I now love you for you have meant something to me in my life and made my life worth living =)

*I will always have YOU*

*I love YOU*
*I love Him*

Monday, June 1, 2009

UOX Play Future on Saturday was an awesome event! It was a great experience for all who worked there and I bet all who went had a great time..From the looks of things. Well, we got everything ready and had dinner by 7pm. By 7pm we had to go to our booths already. I paired up with Ee Ling at the Redemption Booth where first drinks were being collected through out the event, Yung Lin with Si Jie at the VIP booth with all the rich rich people, Wei Liang and Sarah accompanied by her best friend, Gwenda from Singapore, Lionel and Yong Wei, and lastly, Yoke King and Jee Ying at the last booth. All were working hard selling coupons through out the night. It was awesome seeing so many different types of fashion sense..WHOA! You people who went would understand what I'm talking about! according to my partner, she said got alot of leng luis and not so many leng chais..I must agree =p hahaha

The event was hosted by VJ Denise from MTV which I had no idea until she intro-ed herself..she looked so different in real life wei..but hot nonetheless! haha
Twilight Action Girl started off the event with their beats and followed by other groups and Djs like Lapsap and so on. Steve Aoki was there too and he wrapped it up for everyone..AWESOME stuff! I was so tempted to go out and dance but too bad we had to stay inside the booth and do our job cuz we were handling loads of money and really, I MEAN LOTS OF MONEY! Good thing everybody was alert and handled the coupons and money well..there were people who tried asking for discounts and even tried to take the coupon stubs away..swt dao.. =.=
The smell of cigarette smoke was everywhere and I had to keep controlling my breathing while talking to the people..some were really drunk and sometimes I had no idea what were they saying..had a few pretty hot ladies coming up to keep buying coupons tho..woot! haha sorry ling..guess all the leng chais went for Freedom~ Oh ya..Ivan my cousin was the runner who assisted most of us and helped substitute us when we had to be away. My mum and dad also worked in this event..actually my cousin was one of the organizers and my aunt plus uncle helped as well. It was kinda a family affair with Monashians here and there helping out. Thanks people for your support! Ya'll did a great job and will be paid soon enough.hehe. Thanks to my family too for this chun-ted opportunity to work and gain some experience. Awesome stuff la I tell you..the friends and family I have..I couldn't ask for more or better! Thank you God! =)

Now here we are..Pictures!

*This was pretty early..the stage upfront*

*The VIP area where YL and SJ was stationed. Security was tight!*

*I'm ready to rock! by working all night..woo =.=*

*Posing at the booth b4 work*

*The coupons were in a denomination of RM5 only*

*Ee Ling showing off her coupons..She did a great job tht night! wheeeee GJ mui!*

*Yung Lin counting and making sure there's enough coupons for the night*

*The VIP area from our booth*

*This was not even the peak time - Picture/Comment courtesy of Aw Ee Ling*

*We work for Future Sound Asia*

*This was after everything was done - Sijie still looking tough after a tiring night*

*Ee Ling counting her sales, me acting cute*

*DJ Sijie spinning..Yung Lin's head?? Wa super beat..du du du chik*

*Yung Lin protecting his fried rice..This is mine!*

*My box, your box - The boxes we used to keep the coupons and collect money*

*I just wanna go home.. T_T LOL*

Had loads of fun over there at Mont Kiara Indoor Arena..reached home about 5am..straight away washed up and KO..
The next day went to watch movie with Ee Ling, Hwui and Seah..Night at the Museum 2! haha funny show..but I so wanted to watch Terminator lo..aiseh this hwui lo..take her time drive to IOI mall..chop chop chop! hehe but I had a good weekend anyway..Thanks to all who made it happen..Much love! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee happy ba..